
Leaks cost distillers $3.5B per year

Barrels leak. It’s a known fact and part of the business. But that doesn’t mean distillers just have to accept the product and revenue losses. BarrelSense can help identify leaks automatically using our advanced IoT hardware and software, even telling you where the leak might be, allowing you to control leaks and recapture value.

Use data to understand and predict product yields

Maturation means evaporation. It means “Angel’s Share” and all that makes your product amazing. It also means unpredictability of what comes out at completion of the aging process. Or does it? Using advanced IoT hardware and Machine Learning algorithms, BarrelSense can help you understand the factors that drive product yields and outcomes. We provide the tools and insights to estimate and measure in ways never before possible.

Gain insights into what makes your products special

Every barrel is unique. Every warehouse is unique. Every environment and geography have pros and cons. With BarrelSense Maturomic Technology, we can measure and understand not only the unique maturation environments, but how they affect, and are affected by, everything else you do. Temperature, humidity, air pressure, air quality, air flow, VOC and Ethanol concentrations, sensory notes, product chemistry and much more.

What We Do

BarrelSense data and analytics provide distillers with unique barrel-centric insights on the various factors that directly impact the finished product.


Data Driven

BarrelSense creates new data points and blends them with existing data sources to create insights never before possible.

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It’s been said that “one accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions”. So we put real data in the hands of the real experts, you.


Identify leaking barrels for immediate remediation to reduce losses and increase profitability.


BarrelSense can help you understand and optimize your product yields by better understanding your unique environment and processes.

How We Think